I'd say HelloFresh is one of the more popular options or at least that is what it seems because they market everywhere. I even once received a coupon from them in a J. Crew package. I started with HelloFresh because I had heard the most about it. I had quite a few friends who had tried it, a handful of offer cards that I had received in the mail, and Facebook Ads all over my news feed. Even though I had a few promo codes, most of them are basically the same so I went with the deal they had advertised on Facebook, $30 OFF, which is about 50% off the regular price.
I chose the Classic Plan with 3 meals for 2 people and scheduled my first delivery day to be Tuesday. The regular price is $59.94 but with the promo, I paid $29.94 for 3 meals that feed 2 people each which is about $4.99/meal. I don't think you can beat that anywhere.
HelloFresh is a subscription service that stores your payment information and will automatically bill and ship your next box if you don't skip or cancel within a certain amount of time. Autobilling is great for not having to think about it but can become a headache if you forget to cancel or skip especially since the price goes up after the first box.
Delivery & Packaging
My first delivery day was on Tuesday, July 18th. My boyfriend ended up being home that day but I instructed him to leave the box unopened on the table so I could test the freshness after leaving it in there until the time I would normally get home.
By the time I got home and opened it up, the box had probably been sitting for about 8 hours (not including ship time). I was a little nervous about things being spoiled but I used to work for an e-commerce company that shipped perishable food all over the country so I have a good amount of faith in the people who pack these boxes for a living.
The contents were surrounded by insulation and everything inside the box was still cold to the touch. The top layer held the bags of ingredients needed for each meal and then bottom layer held all of the meat and ice packs (which were still mostly frozen). I had no issues with anything being spoiled or crushed.
My box came with 3 recipes: Italian Meatloaf, Herbed Sirloin Steak, and Sizzling Southwestern Chicken. I actually only ended up cooking one of them because I had a few things come up before I had a chance to do the others. When I went to check the remaining food about a week later, nothing looked spoiled but everything I read said to use within 5 days and since I did not think to freeze the meat ahead of time, I ended up throwing the other two away just to be safe.Italian Meatloaf with Roasted Green Beans and Mashed Potatoes
I'm not sure why this one was the first one we picked to cook but after jumping right in we realized we should have probably looked into it and prepared ourselves a little more. The preparation wasn't terribly hard but it wasn't what I was expecting. For whatever reason, I wasn't expecting to have to mince, chop, or peel anything so it came as a shock when that was most of the prep. In total, it probably took an hour start to finish which isn't too far off of what the card states. I do however disagree with the prep time. I think that even if we had been prepared, the preparation would have taken us longer than 10 minutes.
I avoided the green beans since I don't like cooked vegetables but the meatloaf and potatoes were actually really good.
Herbed Sirloin Steak over Orzo Pasta Salad
Sizzling Southwestern Chicken with a Sweet Potato, Bell Pepper, and Feta Jumble
Recipe Selection:
Preparation and Cook Time:
Resources (mobile app, recipe cards, etc.):
Want to try HelloFresh?
Get $40 off your first box. Use Code: NKOENIG
Disclaimer & Credits: This is not a sponsored post. I was not compensated by HelloFresh to try this product or write this review. All opinions are my own based on personal experience. Meal card photos are provided by the HelloFresh website, all other photos are my own. Use of promotional code nkoenig gives me $20 off of my next box.